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[Melixir People] Hana, Founder of Melixir

Hana, Founder of Melixir

[Interview] Melixir’s founder, Hana Lee, shares the story behind how she started the company and her vision for its future.


Hello, Hana! Can you introduce Melixir in one sentence?

Melixir is a skincare brand that inspires sustainable and healthy lifestyles through vegan products.


What does a typical workday look like for you?

First, I prioritize my tasks for the day by making a list. Usually, there are one or two key things that are set in stone. Then, I check our metrics dashboard, reviewing data like sales, website traffic, and the efficiency of our advertising. Before lunchtime, I have a product development meeting with Tini to brainstorm new product ideas, test samples, and discuss ways to improve the brand. After that, I touch base with the department managers.

The most important part of my job is creating an environment where everyone can focus on impactful work. I think a lot about the culture we’re building and how to embed our mission into our daily work. Since small companies have limited resources, the team must work in synergy. When we focus together on solving the most important customer problems, I believe we make a bigger impact. I constantly strive to ensure that Melixir grows while staying true to our mission of creating products in a healthy and sustainable way.

After work, I go home, have dinner, and unwind. Later, I read our product reviews. This has become part of my routine because I want to understand how satisfied our customers are. If someone tags or mentions us, I like to follow up and learn more about their lifestyle. I rarely make plans on weekdays so I can focus on growing the brand. If I'm not reading reviews, I’m reading a book. Recently, I reread Steve Jobs’s biography for the second time.


How did you come up with the idea to start a vegan cosmetics business? What was the first thing you did after deciding to start it?

I got the idea for vegan skincare in 2014, when I was working at a beauty company in San Francisco. One customer asked me if our products were tested on animals or contained any animal ingredients. After doing research, I learned that most beauty products are tested on animals. These questions stuck with me, and over the years, I found more people asking the same questions with the same unfortunate answers. I realized that making plant-based skincare could be the solution.

At 27, I decided to start Melixir. I didn’t want to have any regrets when I turned 40 or 50. I wanted my life to be meaningful, and starting this business was one of the biggest decisions of my life. I told myself that if I launched a company, it needed to be something I could be passionate about for the next 10 years—something that would encourage healthier, more sustainable lifestyles.

I reflected on my own experiences. I used to have acne and sensitive skin, but plant-based products always helped. Once I was clear on the type of business I wanted to create, I thought about the name. In ancient alchemy, "Elixir" is a magical potion for health and longevity, which aligned with the kind of products I wanted to make. I also wanted to include a part of myself in the name, so "Melixir" was born from combining "my" + "elixir."

To develop the products, I visited over 20 manufacturers, explaining that I wanted to create vegan cosmetics. But back then, veganism was a new concept in Korea, so my proposals were rejected. Eventually, I found a company that made organic cosmetics, and we produced the first Melixir product. To fund production, I started a crowdfunding project, telling Melixir’s story. The first products that were funded were a vitamin C serum for sensitive skin and a vegan squalane oil made from sugarcane. The response was far better than I had expected, and that's how Melixir’s original products were born.

Since then, my team and I have focused on customer feedback and quality production to grow the brand. We refined our core values and eliminated anything that didn’t align. For example, our first containers were color-coated in 2018, but after our designer Koeun joined in 2019, we transitioned to designs that embodied simplicity. Koeun was instrumental in establishing Melixir’s brand identity, and now Jenny, our marketer, also plays a key role in this process.


Melixir appeals to many different people, not just vegans and vegetarians. Why do you think that is?

Melixir resonates with a wide variety of people because our products have layers of meaning. Vegans and vegetarians appreciate our eco-friendly standards. Beauty enthusiasts looking for clean beauty trust our formulations because they’re effective and gentle on sensitive skin. Our simple, natural aesthetic appeals to those with sophisticated taste. Melixir’s philosophy of health and sustainability speaks to many different kinds of people.


What makes the Melixir team so special? How do you decide who joins the team?

It’s the people that make our team special. Many of our current team members first discovered Melixir as customers, and they believed in our mission so strongly that they decided to work with us. For example, our Customer Success Manager was one of our earliest customers and is now a key team member, constantly improving our services and customer experience. Our team is filled with people who are deeply invested in our vision.

I look for people I call “Human Elixirs”—those who are healthy, trustworthy, purposeful, and honest. They uplift those around them and have a positive influence. Interestingly, we invite customers to interviews every month, and we’ve found that our customers and employees share many of the same values. The Melixir team and our customers are closely connected.


I heard you’re a vegetarian. Why did you make the switch? Any tips for those who want to try it?

I’m actually pescatarian—I don’t eat meat, but I do consume dairy and seafood. I made the switch in 2019 after a business trip to San Francisco. One of our customers, Jenn, told me how she felt healthier and more at peace as a vegetarian. I realized that one of the easiest ways to be more eco-friendly is by adjusting your diet, so I decided to try pescatarianism. Giving up meat was hard since I used to enjoy it, but I knew that if I wanted to inspire change, I needed to start with small, personal actions. Fortunately, there are many vegetarian options in the U.S.

What keeps me on track is reminding myself how much good it does for the environment. Cooking my own meals and getting creative with my ingredients has also helped a lot.


What are some of your favorite brands? Do you have a specific style?

I love FREITAG for their durable bags and their ability to create a close-knit community among their team, customers, and products. I also love Oatly, which makes oat-based drinks as a dairy alternative. Their hand-written messages on the packaging really connect with people. I think being approachable, like Oatly, is key to attracting fans. (Plus, their drinks taste great!) I appreciate brands with clear philosophies that also focus on product quality.


Sometimes, even if I’m passionate about my work, I don’t feel like working. How do you overcome that?

My biggest motivators are my team and my customers. When our team works together to create great results, it’s incredibly rewarding. Reading customer reviews and seeing how much they appreciate our efforts also keeps me motivated. To relieve stress, I watch Netflix or catch up with friends. Recently, I enjoyed the series Queen's Gambit on Netflix.


As a young professional leading a fast-growing brand, what advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs?

Never hold yourself back. It’s okay to experience setbacks; the key is to keep trying until you succeed. Have ambition and work hard to achieve your goals.


You’ve shared a lot about Melixir’s past and present. What’s your vision for its future?

My vision is for Melixir to inspire people to lead healthier, more confident, and fulfilling lives. I don’t want to set a specific end goal just yet. Instead, I want to show our growth and how we achieve it. Nothing is perfect, but I hope our brand can help people move toward healthier and better lifestyles.